Pioneering same-day delivery for major UK/US retailers
- eCommerce
- Logistics
- Web
- Mobile
Shutl was the UK's first same-day online delivery service. Offering multi-channel retailers like Argos rapid delivery.
How might we give Shutl customers a unified experience across multiple brands?
- Product Designer (me)
- Product Manager
- Lead Engineer
- 2 x Engineers
- Brand Designer
Skills / My role
- UI/UX Design
- User Research
- Guerilla Usability Testing
- Prototyping
Shutl was the UK's first same-day online delivery service. Customers of major multi-channel retailers could get delivery within 90 minutes or a time that suits them. Our record for delivery was under 15 minutes. This was pre-Amazon Prime.
Despite clear guidelines, each retailer integrated Shutl into their checkout flows in unique ways. This created a disjointed Shutl experience. Additionally, development teams at each retailer had to do duplicate work adding integration time and effort.
The Shutl product team saw this is an opportunity. Shutl sought to (1) provide a unified customer experience across all retailers offering Shutl delivery and (2) offer a simpler developer experience.
The big question:
How might we give Shutl customers a unified experience across multiple brands AND reduce integration time and effort for developers?